Short stories are back, baby (oh and, yeah, I’m still writing novels…)

Amigos, Amigo-ettes, I wrote a blog a little while ago letting you all know what happened to my publisher, the fabulous Secret Cravings. Turns out the world is a cruel, cruel place for small e-publishers as well as writers.

Five Seconds of Disappointment

What’s the shittiest thing about being a writer? Well, aside from the endless form rejections, it’s probably getting published only to have your publisher eventually cease operations and de-publish your work. Dudes, my good mates at Secret Cravings Publishing have run aground, it seems. The rights to my short stories My Ex’s New Lover and…

This is not goodbye…

Amigos, I’m finalising the futuristic erotic novel. It’s turning into one hell of a monster epic of sex, adventure and babes galore (#BOOM). I’m concentrating on the editing (and being completely brutal with myself) so I’m taking time out from blogging for a little while. You can catch me on Twitter from hereon, pretty much…

To my readers: thank you!

Image copyright Hi Friends, This is a quick message to say that I hope you all had a very Happy Christmas with your loved ones. I sincerely hope we are all in for a productive and prosperous New Year. In 2013, I’ll be concentrating on giving you lots of short sexy reads, a sci-fi/fantasy…

Springtime Sunshine, Editing and Weird Sex

Hi there amigos! Hope you’ve all been well and happy! I’ve been in a fabulous mood lately, which I think comes down to the arrival (finally!) of spring and lots of sunshine after a particularly hard winter. Can I just say: I love spring! There’s enough sunlight to warm your skin and make you smile,…

Book Deux: First draft now complete.

Orion. Copyright 2012 Bigstock/willmac. First of all, peeps, I hope you’ve all been well. To my Aussie readers: my goodness, this winter… Brrrrr! To my friends in the northern hemisphere: please, pleasesend some summer heat our way! I’m sorry I’ve been a bit quiet on the blog front lately. I have a good excuse (I…